
Showing posts from May 31, 2017

Love The One You're With

It is time to find out what you are made of.  Are you willing to do what it takes to make your marriage rise above the mundane into the magical?  We hope so, because this week we will share how to Love The One You're With!   You l oved them enough to m arry them , n ow m ake the c hoice to e njoy t hem.   The b lessings of this c hoice will be far reaching for t hem, y ou, y our f amily, and f riends. "Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ can transform our imperfect relationships into purposeful growth and soul-filling companionship.  It is the foundation on which strong relationships are built" (Goddard 66) . How do you Love The One You're With?   YOU TURN TOWARD THEM  Dr. John Gottman calls this the Third Principle in his book, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work .  He says turning toward your partner is an easy accomplishmen t , and that real-life romance is fueled by what we would consider humdrum scenes (Gottma